Lugar de celebración: Hospital del Mar, Barcelona
Fecha de inicio: 30 de enero de 2019
Fecha de finalización: 1 de febrero de 2019
The course is organized as a theoretical-practical review of relevant aspects of haematopathology.
The course is designed to be very interactive. The faculty will give lectures, show typical morphologic entities and discuss how to approach specific issues in multiheaded microscopes (two 16 headed microscopes and 2 microscopes with projection screens), dividing the attendants into 4
different groups. The attendants will rotate through the different settings, so everyone has similar exposure to the invited faculty, cases and settings.
The course is limited to 90 individuals in order to accommodate everybody at the practical sessions.
An option to attend the lectures only is also available with a lower registration fee and limited to 125 individuals plus.
Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica
División española de la International Academy of Pathology