Lugar de celebración: Institute Curie, Paris
Fecha de inicio: 27 de abril del 2017
Fecha de finalización: 28 de abril del 2017
The Pathology of Melanoma will take place at Institut Curie, Paris, France, April 27 and 28, 2017.
The Course is directed by three senior internationally known melanoma pathologists:
A number of other internationally-known speakers will give lectures in the Course.
The participants will include anatomic pathologists, dermatopathologists, dermatologists, oncologists, ophthalmic pathologists, surgical oncologists, and pathologists in training.
The goal of the Course is to cover the most difficult diagnostic problems encountered by practicing pathologists in the areas of cutaneous and ocular melanoma.
The approach of the Course will be practical based on the extensive experience of the Directors of the Course and other invited speakers. The Course will consist of a series of didactic lectures and interactive sessions during the two-day period.
Digitized images of specific cases will be available for review in advance of the Course and will be discussed in the interactive sessions of the Course.
Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica
División española de la International Academy of Pathology